Sunny's Coffee feat. Four Barrel 公式ホームページ 栃木県 大田原店 | PROBATによる自家焙煎珈琲とサンフランシスコのフォーバレルコーヒーが飲めるスペシャリティコ
We want to make you happy. You, the farmer who grows the coffee. You, the picker. The green coffee buyer. And course – you, our guest. Brewing a beautiful cup in your kitchen. Visiting our sun-dappled cafe. Fortifying for the day, or dreaming sweetly on your weekend.Alongside Sunny’s original roasts, we offer our favorites from Four Barrel Coffee. These coffees, imported weekly from San Francisco, complete an exceptional menu. Each offering is tended precisely from seed to cup – your cup.
The result?
We call it San Francisco style. Vibrant & naturally sweet. Liquid sunlight. Taste the mountains. Tropical rain. The fragrance of flowers.
Coffee comes from a fruit, preceded on the branch by a creamy white blossom. The San Francisco style puts coffee first – coffee, the seed of a fruit. It’s roasted a little lighter, to showcase the seed’s nuance and depth of flavor. It’s brewed one cup at a time in our cafe. And it’s packaged in sweet little bags, available for you to take home.2019/11/07